Há dúvidas quanto à participação do FCP na próxima edição da
Champions. Já o referimos nuns
posts atrás. A decisão estará para breve e o eventual recurso também.
Os regulamentos da prova, publicados no
site da UEFA dizem:
Admission criteria
1.04 To be eligible to participate in the competition, a club must fulfil the following
a) it must have qualified for the competition on sporting merit;
b) it must have obtained a licence issued by the national association
concerned in accordance with the applicable national club licensing
regulations as accredited by UEFA in accordance with the UEFA club
licensing manual (version 2.0);
c) it must agree to comply with the rules aimed at ensuring the integrity of
the competition as defined in Article 2;
d) it must not be or have been involved in any activity aimed at arranging or
influencing the outcome of a match at national or international level;
e) it must confirm in writing that the club itself, as well as its players and
officials, agree to respect the statutes, regulations, directives and
decisions of UEFA;
f) it must confirm writing that the club itself, as well as its players and
officials, agree to recognise the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for
Sport in Lausanne as defined in the relevant provisions of the UEFA
g) it must fill in the official entry form, which must reach the UEFA
administration by 2 June 2008 together with all other documents which
the UEFA administration deems necessary for ascertaining compliance
with the admission criteria.
Pois bem, da alínea d) pode surgir o entrave à participação do FCP, face ao rescaldo do Apito Final.
Outra dúvida que se coloca e tem dado azo a discussão é quem pode ir no lugar vago. Uns dizem que seria o SLB, pela tabela final da Liuga 2007/08, outros dizem que seria o clube melhor colocado num
ranking da UEFA, dizendo que é o Zenit de S. Petersburgo.
O mesmo regulamento diz:
Admission procedure
1.05 Clubs which fulfil the admission criteria are informed of their admission to the
competition by the UEFA General Secretary in writing.
1.06 If there is any doubt as to whether a club fulfils the admission criteria, the
UEFA General Secretary shall refer the case to the UEFA Organs for
Administration of Justice, which shall decide without delay upon the
admission in accordance with the procedure defined in the UEFA Disciplinary
Regulations for urgent cases.
1.07 A club which is not admitted to the competition shall be replaced by the next
best-placed club in the top domestic league championship of the same
national association, provided it fulfils the admission criteria. In this case, the
access list for the UEFA Club Competitions (Annex Ia) will be adjusted
1.08 UEFA may carry out spot checks and/or investigations with clubs at any time
after they have been admitted to the competition to ensure that the
admission criteria continue to be met for as long as they remain in the
competition. If such a spot check and/or investigation reveals that admission
criteria were not fulfilled at the time a club entered the competition or are no
longer being met in the course of the competition, the club concerned is
liable to disciplinary measures in accordance with the UEFA Disciplinary
Então, pelo que se pode ler e fazendo fé que este é o regulamento principal (mas pode haver outros que se sobreponham), pelo ponto 1.07, o clube que não seja aceite será substituído pelo melhor classificado na Liga nacional correspondente.
Aguarda-se, pois, com ansiedade e expectativa o resultado das reuniões uefeiras.